Types of Jigs Used in Woodworking: A Comprehensive Guide

Woodworking is an art form that requires precision and accuracy. To achieve the desired results, woodworkers rely on a variety of tools, including jigs. Jigs are specialized tools that help guide the woodworker in making accurate cuts and shapes. They are used to create complex shapes, join pieces of wood together, and make precise cuts.

There are several different types of jigs used in woodworking, each with its own unique purpose.

Router Jigs

Router jigs are used to guide a router along a specific path. They are typically used to create intricate shapes and patterns in wood. Router jigs come in a variety of shapes and sizes, and can be used to create everything from decorative edges to complex joinery.

Router jigs are also used to make precise cuts in wood, such as dadoes and rabbets.

Dovetail Jigs

Dovetail jigs are used to create dovetail joints, which are strong and attractive joints used to join two pieces of wood together. Dovetail jigs come in a variety of sizes and shapes, and can be used to create both traditional and modern dovetail joints. Dovetail jigs are typically used for furniture making, but can also be used for other woodworking projects.

Tenon JigsTenon jigs are used to create tenons, which are projections on the end of a piece of wood that fit into a mortise (a hole cut into another piece of wood). Tenon jigs come in a variety of sizes and shapes, and can be used to create both traditional and modern tenons. Tenon jigs are typically used for furniture making, but can also be used for other woodworking projects.

Miter Jigs

Miter jigs are used to make precise miter cuts in wood.

Miter jigs come in a variety of sizes and shapes, and can be used to create both traditional and modern miter cuts. Miter jigs are typically used for furniture making, but can also be used for other woodworking projects.

Drill Press Jigs

Drill press jigs are used to guide a drill bit along a specific path. They are typically used to create holes in wood for dowels or screws.

Drill press jigs come in a variety of shapes and sizes, and can be used to create both traditional and modern holes. Drill press jigs are typically used for furniture making, but can also be used for other woodworking projects.

Table Saw Jigs

Table saw jigs are used to guide a table saw along a specific path. They are typically used to make precise cuts in wood, such as dadoes and rabbets.

Table saw jigs come in a variety of shapes and sizes, and can be used to create both traditional and modern cuts. Table saw jigs are typically used for furniture making, but can also be used for other woodworking projects.

Sanding Jigs

Sanding jigs are used to guide a sanding tool along a specific path. They are typically used to sand intricate shapes or patterns in wood.

Sanding jigs come in a variety of shapes and sizes, and can be used to sand both traditional and modern shapes or patterns. Sanding jigs are typically used for furniture making, but can also be used for other woodworking projects.


Jigs play an essential role in the craft of woodworking. They help guide the woodworker in making accurate cuts and shapes, creating complex joinery, and sanding intricate patterns.

There is an array of different types of jig available for use in woodworking, each with its own unique purpose. By understanding the different types of jig available, you will be able to choose the right one for your project.

Michael Jones
Michael Jones

If it's got to do with wood, I'm into it. Part-time hobby turned full-time obsession.